Monday, July 20, 2015

Wallykazam Lovin'

We (and I do mean "we") have a new favorite Tyler show -- Wallykazam.  We had seen episodes about a year ago (before we cut cable), but Tyler was too young to be interested in it.  Well, after our recent trip to the beach, and at the mercy of whatever NickJr wanted to air, Tyler is hooked.

picture courtesy of

Wallykazam is a show about Wally Trollman, who found a magic stick that can create anything starting with the letter of the day (or sometimes rhyming endings).  He has all kinds of adventures, along with his friends Norville the dragon, Gina the Giant, Ogre Doug, and the trouble-making Bobgoblin (my personal favorite).

picture courtesy of
So what does this show have going for it?

1) Fun characters -- I tried to find a clip, but Bobgoblin regularly says his name at the end of sentences.  He's kinda the Jason Derulo of kids' shows, but much less annoying!  Anyway, it's kinda become a thing around our house to randomly say "Bobgoblin!" 

2) Literacy -- Tyler has become obsessed recently with letters and recognizing letters.  This is the next step, teaching him the sounds words make.  "We can use a cushion or a pillow.  Which one starts with the 'c' sound?"

3) The songs!  Oh man, they are catchy, and unlike dear Dora, all their characters can actually sing.  (Seriously, Dora people, stop making songs in a key Dora can't sing).  Here is my absolute favorite one.  I find myself singing this all the time now, even when Tyler's not around.  Tyler even does the "No invaders, no dragons, no trolls!" in a Bobgoblin voice.  Well, he actually says "No elevators, no dragons, no trolls."  At least, that's what it sounds like.

LOVE this song.  Yes, I'm a full-fledged adult, and I love kid shows.  Sue me.

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