Thursday, October 20, 2011

I've Got One Hand in my Pocket...

and can't believe everything that's in there!

Today's edition of "You Know You're a Teacher When" is about the things I currently have in my pocket.

1. A teal ink pen.  Students are constantly getting me to sign bathroom passes or notes explaining why they were absent, so I always have a pen on me.

2. A wad of keys that would make any custodian jealous.  I inherited all my keys from my classroom's previous owner, and wow, she had a lot of keys!  I can lock my room, my desk, my file cabinet, as well as get into the three science stockrooms in my building.  The other ones... yep, no clue what they go to.  FYI, I usually don't keep my keys in my pocket since they're so bulky, but I just got back from the faculty lounge, and I need my keys to get in there.

3. My PowerPoint clicker.  Without any question, this is my favorite teaching tool.  I can advance my ppt (PowerPoint) slides from anywhere in the room, which helps me walk around, quiet down chatters and wake up sleepers.  On days when I didn't have my clicker (it went home with me one day unnoticed in my pockets, its battery died another day), I felt like I had lost an arm or something.

4. My iPod.  This is the first day it's been to work with me, but I am playing songs for them today for them to rewrite relating them to weather.  It's in my pocket because it's asking for trouble to leave something like that out for all to see.

5.  My volume remote for my speakers.  I don't want to blast out my students!

Yep, all of that is in my pockets right now.  Another essential thing today -- a belt, to hold up my pants!  Everything in my pockets are weighing me down!


Jenelle Leanne said...

Wow, that's a lot!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I was quite amazed! Which of course explains the "wow, I need to share this with everyone by blogging" feeling.