Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Snapshot of Time

It was not a great day.

In the arboretum parking lot, Tyler had insisted on being strolled.  Two minutes later, he wanted nothing to do with the stroller, which meant I had to chase after him AND lug an empty stroller behind me!  Seriously, someone invent a stroller that levitates or shrinks or something when your kid isn't in it.  I hate pushing an empty stroller.  We hadn't left the house until after 10, so Tyler and I sat on a bench so he could eat a snack (and I could take a rest!).  Problem was, I hadn't brought myself a snack, and it was nearing lunch time, and I was getting hangry.  More like hungry-cranky, but that's not nearly as catchy of a term.  I was sweaty.  I was losing my patience.

Then, Jason called us over because he wanted to take a picture.  I was way not in the mood, but posed for one anyway.

Photos amaze me sometimes.  I usually think of them perfectly capturing a moment.  This day, though, I didn't want to capture that particular moment.  I wanted to leave and eat lunch and sit in my air-conditioned car with a fully strapped-in toddler.

When Jason got his pictures back (this is another film shot), I was shocked by the photo.  This picture didn't summarize the day we were having, but it caught something much better instead.

I'm not normally a fan of B&W, but love this photo.  Besides, getting my eyes open and Tyler looking (and smiling!) at the camera all in one shot is a miracle.  Definitely one of my favorite pictures Jason has taken with his film camera.

What a beautiful snapshot of time.  Because this happened about two seconds later...

Yes, he is jamming his fingers in my eyes.  Ah, the precious moments of motherhood.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Sometimes it's important for me to remember that it might be a beautiful moment if I could take myself out of the frustration with X or whatever it is in the moment... I hear ya on the levitating stroller. Our challenge is that X wants to PUSH the stroller if he's not in it... or the grocery cart. Bless the person who decided Harris Teeter needs the "green carts" with the special rocket ship seats, they saved my sanity on MANY grocery trips.