Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Several people have asked how Tyler acts around Holly.

1) Most of the time it's the "Tyler show" and Holly is mostly ignored.
2) If too much attention is directed towards Holly, he will start acting up to get attention.
3) He shows a general love for and interest in his little sister.

Things Tyler likes about Holly:
~When she kicks her blanket off.  This, according to him, is "hilarious"
~Giving her night-night "gentle" kisses
~Comforting her when she's crying, especially when they're in the backseat together.  "It's ok, Holly, you don't need to cry.  We're almost home."
~Telling us to turn down the music and/or tv when Holly is sleeping (though he forgets three seconds later and decides to whoop and holler!)
~Giving her toys to play with (aka, plopping them down on her!) and giving her her pacifier (can almost do this without poking out her eye).
~"New" toys (aka, his old baby toys) that are in the living room
~When Holly wears "no pants"... how silly!

We have some room to grow, but I think he's accepted her into our family.

Holly's reaction to Tyler:
1) Mostly ignores
2) Looks of terror.  Let's just say, Tyler hasn't quite mastered the "be careful around your sister" command.
3) General interest.  She loves watching him eat and listening to him/watching him on the video monitor (btw, how did we go so long without a video monitor?  love it!)  Big brother is awesome, and he is (hopefully!) showing her how to be a "big kid."


Jenelle Leanne said...

Awwww :) Love the pictures and the play-by-play as to how each of these little people feels about the other in "their" world! :)

Miss you.

Unknown said...
