Monday, October 17, 2011

You Know You're a Teacher When...

~ You wake up in the morning with the "Bill Nye The Science Guy" theme song in your head --  "Bill!  Bill!  Bill!  Bill!  Bill!  Bill!  Bill Nye the Science Guy..."
~Your "zoning out" or "daydreaming" consists of coming up with activities/labs to do next week
~You have multiple pens and pencils stuck in your hair, and you're not sure how long they've been there
~You have three minutes before you need to leave the house and you decide to grade some papers
~You are hiking at a state park, see a sign about hurricane damage, and ask your husband to take a picture of you beside it because you're teaching about hurricanes this week and want to incorporate the sign into your lesson

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

Awwwww man I had tons of pictures from hurricane damage I could have given you. HA!