Monday, July 29, 2013

Another Look

When it comes to photo trips, Jason and I have "done" the Triangle.  Name a place people take photos (particularly nature photos), and we've probably been there at least ten times.  On July 4th (yes, I am just now posting about July 4th), we wanted a place where we could take photos without dealing with large crowds.  I thought about going to NC State.  After all, even the summer school classes get the 4th off, so the place should be pretty deserted.

One of my favorite places on campus is the Free Expression Tunnel.  After doing a bit of Wikipedia research, the tunnel (which connects Central Campus dorms to North Campus classroom buildings) was first built in 1939 and was first painted in the 60s.  It is a place for student organizations to advertise, for graffiti artists to show off their talent, and for people to voice their opinions (no matter how controversial).  In 2006 (my senior year), they renovated the tunnel, making it a bit more user-friendly.

Jason and I have photographed the tunnel countless times.  Here are a few of my photos from 2010:

When Jason and I went on the 4th, I tried to think of some different way to photograph the tunnel.  After all, I've been there, done that.  Instead of wide shots, I decided to "bring it in" and take some close-ups.  What I found was pretty beautiful...

thick swirl of paint

As Jason and I continue visiting the same places over and over, hopefully I'll come up with other ways to take another look at things that seem old news.

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