Friday, July 19, 2013

One Month to Go

My due date is a month from tomorrow.  Let that soak in a bit.  One month.  Only a few short weeks until we get to meet our little one and our lives as we know it change forever.  It's getting real, folks.  We're already in the weekly appointments, pack your bags, could go at any time phase of pregnancy.  Whoa.

Here's a trip through memory lane, including the days when I still had a waist.

Announcing to family:

Announcing to the world:

17 Weeks:
The real beginning of seeing the bump...

20 Weeks:
Finding out Baby Itself was really Lil Himself

24 Weeks: 
Hello, maternity shirts

29 Weeks:
Beginning of baby showers

33 Weeks:
Large and in charge

We're trying to soak up every last minute of pregnancy.  Aside from the pulled muscle, I've been (as a former coworker put it) "one of those annoying, happy pregnant people."  I've loved pregnancy.  I'm excited to begin our journey with our lil fellow, but I'm in no rush to meet him!  Stay in there just a little bit longer, Mama's not ready yet!

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