Friday, August 15, 2014


Kara can't make it to Tyler's birthday party (it's coming up... can't believe he's almost one!), so she, Addison, and Mom made a visit the other day to see him and give him his presents.

He needed a little encouragement opening the presents

but quickly got the hang of it
(he is an expert paper-tearer, as we have unfortunately learned around the house...)

Tyler's favorite thing to do these days (other than eat) is to read books, so I was glad they gave him a book (he also got shoes, jeans, and an interactive toy that's like a car dashboard).  He immediately wanted someone to read to him:

Grandma to the rescue

"Mom, stop taking pictures and come read me this book!"

"Nevermind.  I'll read it myself."

And then hours later, he cornered Aunt Kara and made her read to him:

Upstairs, Addison wanted to play dinosaurs in Tyler's room.  She took all of them (and there are quite a few!), lined them up, and proceeded to ask Kara and Mama how each of them protected themselves.  She liked the show Dinosaur Train.  Can you tell?

Tyler, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with his dinosaurs.  What did he want to do?  Read books.

the part of "Wide-Mouthed Frog" where he puckers his lips; Kara must have known what was coming when she snapped this pic

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