Wednesday, August 13, 2014


This post is mostly for my own record-keeping, but in case any of you are curious...

Tyler loooooves to eat.  A few days ago, I posted a story on Facebook about how he crawled over to a bin of bibs, brought one over to Jason, and once Jason had put it on him, crawled over and tried to climb into his high chair.  Jason was grilling, so dinner wasn't ready yet (and we have learned to NOT put him in his high chair until it is 100% time for dinner and not a moment earlier), so we tried to distract him.  Instead, he found ANOTHER bib and crawled over to us almost saying "Will this bib get me some food?"  Yep, my kid loves to eat.

Here's a few pictures from breakfast the other day.

Yum yum yum yum yum!  Delicioso!
Now, the boring part -- foods he will/will not eat.  This isn't a list of every single thing he's tried (like off of our plates at a restaurant), just the things he eats on a regular basis.

Cheerios, grits, Ritz crackers, goldfish crackers, graham crackers, granola bars, pasta (preferably macaroni shape), mac and cheese, puffs, baby "Cheetos"

baby yogurt, whole milk (starting to mix with his formula), CHEESE (seriously any kind... he even eats extra sharp cheddar).  That's my boy!

hamburger (meatballs, meatloaf), ham, fish
He's not big on meat yet (partially because he can't chew most of them), but we're working on it

all things potatoes (boiled, baked, MASHED), green beans, peas (if mixed in with potatoes), carrots, broccoli

bananas, strawberries, mandarin oranges, canned pears, stewed apples, cantaloupe (when he's in the mood, this one's 50/50)

Foods He's Refused:
peaches, both canned and fresh
"slippery" pasta like fettuccine and bow ties

I'm hoping he'll change his mind on these (especially chicken, since we usually eat that 2 nights/week!), but folks, he's only spit out/refused four foods out of everything we've introduced him, too?  I know how fortunate we are!

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