Sunday, March 1, 2015

18 Days of Celebrating 18 Months -- Colors

Tyler is really into colors right now.  He knows his 6 basic colors, as well as white and gray.  He can also occasionally identify brown, black, and pink.  When we started talking about colors (which really started when he got his ball pit/tent for Christmas), it was neat to see him realize that those colors were all around him.  Not to get all meta or anything, but it was like watching his eyes open to the wonders of the world for the first time.  Ok, I admit, that was a little meta.

It's a perfect distraction when he's doing something we don't want him to or is starting to get fussy out in public.

T whining
Me: "Tyler, what color is that sign?"
T: "Geen!"
Me: "What color is that shirt?"
T: "Pupple!"
T (pointing to things all around): "Whiy!"  "Yewwow!"  "Reh!"

Aaaand, scene.  Works (nearly) all the time.

He's getting better about pairing colors with nouns ("blue horse," "green ball," etc.).  (In case you're wondering, "blue horse" is a real phrase from Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?)  He's getting particularly good with his guys he got for Christmas.  These:
picture (and guys) courtesy of IKEA

The other day, he was missing his "yellow guy," so we walked around looking for his "yellow guy."  It's so nice when he can tell me what he's looking for!  He calls them all by their color: yellow guy, red guy, black guy... Hmm, I foresee potentially awkward moments around guests in our future.

Tyler also got paints for Christmas.  He really likes playing with them, but more for the fun of twisting the paint caps off and on rather than actually painting.


One more color-related tidbit.  He walks around repeatedly muttering "Yellow, red, blue.  Yellow, red, blue.  Yellow, red, blue."  Not sure what that's about...  Lil weirdo.  :)

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