Sunday, March 8, 2015

18 Days of Celebrating 18 Months -- Precious Prayers

Keeping this one short and to the point (yes, I am capable of that once in a while!)

Tyler's always been a big fan of praying because it usually means he's about to eat.  Back in November, he started saying "Amen," so we started letting him finish the prayers.  Now, he's a regular contributor to our blessing:

Heavenly Father, thank You for this ["day!"].  Thank you for ["Mama"] and ["Daddy"] and ["Ty Ty"].  Thank you for this ["fooooooo"].  Let it be used for the nourishment of our ["body"] and us to Your service.  In Jesus' name, ["Amen!"].

At night, when I put him to bed, I used to sing to him.  That was, until I started praying over him.  Now, Jason turns off the light, Tyler asks to be put in his bed, and to pray.  When I finish praying, he asks for more prayer, but I say that we're done with prayers for the night, and he says "All done, pray."  Melts my heart!

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