Monday, April 16, 2012

Hair... the Decision

A few weeks ago, I mentioned I wanted to do something to my hair.



Jason took better pictures, so I'll try to post them when he gets around to editing them.  For now, you'll just have to deal with the self-portrait.  I got some length cut off, some new layers, and two colors of highlights (a REALLY blond blond and a more subtle caramel color).  I'm getting used to it, and wearing it DOWN for once (which is a very rare occurrence for me).  It's nice to have a change, even if it's not a very drastic change.


Amanda English said...

So far so good! I need to see the back!?!?!? =) xoxo A-

Unknown said...

Yeah, Jason took pics of the side and back. I'll try to post them soon.