Tuesday, October 1, 2013

365 Days of Praise, Weeks 5&6

I'm a little behind, so I'm doing two weeks today.

Sunday, 9/15:
The Selfs ventured to church, and it was a huge success!  Tyler was a trooper the whole time, with nary a peep.  I guess he loves being out of the house.  I'm thankful for successful outings.

Monday, 9/16:
Another outing, this time to the grocery store.  Another good boy!

Tuesday, 9/17:
Tyler managed to pee on his face not once, or twice, or three times, but FOUR times during the day!  Poor little guy!  He just looked up at me like "What just happened?"  I'm thankful for life's little humorous moments and for embarrassing stories to share with my son's girlfriends in the future.

Wednesday, 9/18:
Today was not a good day.  Without getting into too much detail, I was trying to implement some scheduling stuff from a parenting book, learning how to pump, and working with the plumbers, all the while dealing with a fussy baby.  I am thankful for bad days because they make good days all the sweeter.

Thursday and Friday, 9/19 & 9/20:
I have no recollection of these days.  Maybe I'm repressing something?

Saturday, 9/21:
I'm thankful for the sound of pouring rain outside my window while I'm up in the middle of the night feeding and tending to a fussy boy.

Sunday, 9/22:
Brian Frost was speaking at church about how Jesus calls the church His bride.  He talked about how in love and enthusiastic Jesus is about the church.  He said that out of all the weddings he's performed, in a few of them, the groom has been so enthusiastic to marry his bride that he jumps the gun during the vows.  Brian Frost asks a long "will you" question and said that a few grooms answer "I will" after the first pause instead of waiting for the end of the question.  MY groom was one of those grooms!  I'm thankful for a reminder of the joy of our wedding day.

Monday-Wednesday, 9/23-9/25:
I'm sure things happened these days that I was thankful for.  I'm sure my sleep-deprived brain has forgotten them now.

Thursday, 9/26:
Tyler and I had visitors on Thursday (look for a future post).  I'm thankful for family, for advice, and for grandmothers that fawn over their grandchildren.

Friday, 9/27:
Tyler and I had a very minor household incident Friday morning.  I'm thankful for God's watchful hand who protected us from what could have been worse.

Saturday, 9/28:
Saturday was Addison's birthday party, but the Selfs weren't quite ready to make such a long trip, so we had to miss it.  I'm thankful for long phone conversations where I get enough details to feel like I was there.

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