Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pullen Park

I've wanted to go to Pullen Park for a while now, but Tyler's not really old enough to do most of the stuff there.  Guess who is -- Addison!  When she, Kara, and Mom came to Raleigh a little while ago, I decided it would be a great place to visit.

We had a blast!  We picked up food at Wendy's and had lunch at one of the picnic areas.

Then, our next stop was the train:

keeping herself occupied while we waiting in the loooooong line for the train

big smiles

Tyler's "whoa, what's going on?" look of amazement as we started moving

"Mama, this train is awesome!"

Then, Addison played in the playground a bit while Grandma and Tyler took a break in the shade.  He was sooooo sleepy, but refused to miss out on any of the fun.

Then, Kara and Addison came back with LocoPops.

sampling the chocolate brownie one

... and then the cherry lime one!

Then, it was time for the carousel!  Mom decided she would sit this one out.  Addison picked out a brown horse to ride on.  I put Tyler on a giraffe, but he kept squirming/trying to get off while we were waiting for the ride to begin.  I looked around and saw that a lot of parents were riding behind their kids and thought this might work better.  It did.  Yes, I rode a giraffe on a carousel.  What of it?

How gorgeous are they?  The answer?  Very.

We had a big ol' time there, and spent 7 whole dollars (plus an arm and a leg for the well-worth-it popsicles).  Dear Pullen Park, thank you for only charging $1 to ride your rides.  I will definitely visit again.

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

Growing up we use to go to a place called Pistol Pete's that had a carousel. I always had to ride the white bunny. (: