Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Unexpected Adventure

Last Saturday, Jason and I were looking for a place to walk around and photograph (just like we do most weekends).  I suggested Lake Crabtree, a destination we had driven by but never been to.  The day started out like usual.  Walk three steps, take 100 pictures of a spider on a leaf, walk three more steps, take 100 pictures of a flower.  Then, the trail went along the side of the road.

We figured it would quickly curve back into the woods and maybe loop around to wear we started, so we just kept walking.  Then, we realized the path by the road was taking us past the lake, so the chances of it "looping back" were getting pretty slim.  Yet we pressed on...

The next thing we knew, we were hiking the entire 6-mile loop around the lake!  Adventure!

Now we've done six mile hikes before.  However, on those days we came prepared with backpacks of water and snacks.  Jason had all 800 pounds of his camera equipment, and I was in jeans!  We were definitely not prepared for this hike, but we managed to survive it anyway.

What unexpected adventure have you had recently?


Amanda English said...

walk three more steps... LOL that made me laugh! Adventure... I'd calling swimming laps in our pool this weekend an adventure as it had been a decade since I'd done that! HAHA! Oh and I didn't drowned, obviously... =) xoxo A-

Jenn & David said...

well, while our adventure was not as exciting as your 6 mile hike, JD and I did manage our way around Downtown Durham all by ourselves last week. I thought that was a huge accomplishment. ;)