Friday, September 28, 2012

How We Got Engaged -- Odds and Ends

This Saturday marks our 5 year engagement anniversary.  Mom always says I should write these stories down so when I'm old and forgetful, I can look back on them and remember stuff.

Part 1 -- "The Talk"
Part 2 -- "The Big Day"
Part 3 -- "Telling the Families"

Just a few odds and ends about engagement that didn't fit in the other stories:

Jason and I first headed down the road to dating the summer after I graduated college and started working in RTP.  We would get together every month or so to eat lunch together, which was always super awkward because I still had some feelings for him.  This was also the summer Kara and Kelly got married and the second summer I lived with my aunt Roofy.  The first summer I lived with her was when I worked at Synthematix with Jason, so she definitely knew all about him.

Roofy and I were driving to one of Kara's wedding showers, and we were discussing our own hypothetical weddings.  In the middle of the conversation, she said, "You know you're going to marry Jason, right?"  I instinctively said, "Yeah, I know."  Whoa.  We were not dating; we were just friends.  This really messed with my head that my immediate response had been "Yeah, I know."

I had not been really ooshy gooshy or constantly talking about getting engaged to Jason with people while we were dating.  The only exception to this was at my high school friend Jessica's wedding where I was a bridesmaid.  I mentioned to another bridesmaid (a girl I did not know well) that I'd like to catch the bouquet because I wanted to get married.  I didn't catch the bouquet that day (Let's face it, I probably wouldn't have been able to catch it even if it had been thrown directly at me.), but it didn't matter.  Seven days later, I was got engaged.

The morning we got engaged, Jason and I were getting ready in his family's bathroom.  That bathroom has double sinks, so we were able to get ready at the same time.  I looked at him, gestured to the double sinks and said, "This would be nice to have.  You know, some day."  I meant the very hypothetical whenever-we-get-married future.  Little did I know, that future was going to begin about 30 minutes later!  Jason said that he nearly lost it when I said that.  I think he actually just nodded and then briskly walked out of the room!

Girls always talk about how weird their boyfriends act around the time of engagement.  I've heard it all -- thinking that he was losing interest because he was keeping his distance, getting in fights because he did/did not want to do something, etc.  Jason was cool as a cucumber.  The only weird thing he did was talk about getting an early start on the Blue Ridge trip.  I'm an early bird, so this was no problem for me -- until he suggested taking showers the night before.  We had been dating for several months and had taken several trips together, so he knew that I was a firm morning shower-er (this hair does NOT work after sleeping on it!), so I was perplexed by this.  We actually went back and forth on this until I firmly told him I was taking a shower that next morning.  I guess he was just eager to get the proposing over with!

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