Monday, September 10, 2012

We've Been Bad...

Jason and I went a bit crazy over Labor Day weekend.  We ended up buying stuff for the house Friday, Sunday, AND Monday!  True, most of it was lightbulbs and tree loppers, but we did get some fun stuff, too.

Friday: After fooling ourselves for a few months with a reel mower (as in, you are the motor...), we broke down and bought a push mower.  Jason's in love!  The reel mower cut the grass ok, but it was no match for the stalky weeds we have.

Saturday:  One of the best things about moving is that the postal service sends you a giant pack of coupons.  One was for 20% off your entire purchase at Pier 1.  Now, that isn't a store I usually shop at, but for 20% off, it was worth a trip.  Jason and I found all kinds of goodies, including these two:

giant clock (22"w by 37"h) for above our entryway (more pictures to come)

living room lamp for Jason

Monday: After seeing a commercial for Home Goods, I said I wished we had gone by there on Saturday to look for more lamps.  So we decided to fix that!  I couldn't find a picture online, so I took one instead.

It's kinda hard to tell, but it's two shades of green glass.  The base is only about three inches thick (in the dimension you can't see).  This is "my" lamp and the brown wood one is "Jason's" lamp.

Anyway, here's some more of our finds.  We're slowing adding to our mostly-empty house!

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

LOVE IT! Can't wait to come over!!! xoxo