Thursday, September 27, 2012

How We Got Engaged -- Telling the Families

This Saturday marks our 5 year engagement anniversary.  Mom always says I should write these stories down so when I'm old and forgetful, I can look back on them and remember stuff.

You can read Part 1 about the months leading up to engagement and Part 2 about how he asked.

Jason proposed around 8:30am.  I love that he proposed in the morning, since it gave me a whole day of excitement before I had to try and sleep.  We took lots of pictures at the Pinnacle, and then when we got back to his truck, I asked if we could call people and let them know.

He started by calling his folks.  His sister answered the phone, and I don't remember exactly what he said, but when he told her, his mom said "I knew it!  I knew that's why you were here!"  I guess she did know, since she had gotten on the other phone while he was talking to Sara.  I don't know how his dad and brother were told.  I guess his mom told them?

I called my house, and Daddy answered.  I said, "You like Jason, right?  How would you like him for a son-in-law?"  Daddy exclaimed, and put mom on the phone.  I actually don't remember what I said to her, but she started screaming in her "a daughter just told me good news" kind of way.  (She seriously has the same scream for all of these events.  I remember telling her I got a job, telling her I was the first year teacher of the year, telling her we bought a house... all the same scream).

Then she said, "Your daddy's so excited, he's called and told Kara."  What?!?  Daddy had spilled the beans to Kara before I got a chance to!  I guess that means he really does love Jason. :)  So I called Kara next, and she answered the phone all excited.  Again, I don't really remember what I said to her.  Maybe I told her how he did it?  Beats me... lots of emotions going on that day, hard to remember.  Yes Mom, I know I should have written it down that night or something so I'd remember now.  Lesson learned.

I then called Jill and said, "You ready to wear that bridesmaid dress?"  I said this because when I first called her to tell her Jason and I were going to start dating, her first comment was "What color is the bridesmaid dress going to be?"  She knew once we started dating, we were going to get married.  The funny thing was, my immediate reply had been "blue," not "Oh, I'm not thinking about that yet."  I guess it was already in the back of my head.

Out immediate family out of the way, we held off on calling other people so we could still take our trip on the Blue Ridge Parkway to Chimney Rock.  Here's a few pictures from that day (there's a lot of me because they're Jason's pictures.  I don't have digital copies of mine):

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

I forgot Jason had a truck! lol! I love your recap on your engagement. =) I can't believe it's been 5 years! I can't believe I've known you for 5 years!!!