Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fun with Dinosaurs

I've always loved dinosaurs, even as a little girl.  My two favorite science things were planets and dinosaurs.  These days, that love has really exploded.  I don't know why, but I'm all about dinosaurs these days.

There's a dinosaur on the sign into my classroom:

I painted a dinosaur at the pottery place with Amanda.  His name is Herbert, and he's currently on my bookshelf at work.

I bought dinosaur Christmas ornaments the other day at Target.

I bought this guy (no, not the aliens) and a t-rex that I couldn't find a picture of.  Addison said "rawr!" when I put them in the cart.  Smart girl.

So today's blog is all about spreading that love to you.  Here's a couple of fun things about dinosaurs that came up in the Self household last night.

A video I love to watch when I need a quick laugh.  It's from Disney's Meet the Robinsons.

Here's a shirt from referencing that video (sorta).

Happy Thursday!  

1 comment:

John/Kristen said...

Nice. You know we are all about the dinosaurs in this girly/science-y house :)