Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Back in July, I was so excited one day when I looked out my window and saw a deer in our yard (you can read about it here).  I was even more excited to catch it on camera, because who knows when I'll see a deer again!  Well, um, it turns out I'd see that deer a lot.

So much that we he's become used to us...

"Oh hi, I just thought I'd lie down for a bit.  No, I don't mind if you come out on your deck and inch closer to me so you can take a better picture.  Go on ahead..."

So much that we call him our pet...

So much that we've named him Roger...

Oh, Roger, you goof...

So much that we see him every few days...
"Yep, it's me again.  Just walking through and thought I'd say hey."
PS, thanks to my wonderful husband for his awesome photography skills.  You can definitely tell a difference between my photo (the first one) and his photos (the other three).