Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Snoogle Up

Pre-baby-itself, I was a stomach sleeper.  That had to change pretty early on into pregnancy.  I've heard that sleeping on your back is a bad idea, so I've been trying to sleep on my side.  I definitely have not taken well to this.  In the middle of the night, my knees and bottom hip (whatever side I was sleeping on) would ache.  Plus, I'd wake up in the middle of the night on my back.  Great, that's what I'm trying to avoid...

A few weeks ago, Jason ordered me a surprise while I was napping (on my back... *sigh*) on the couch -- a snoogle.  "A what?" you may be asking.  A snoogle.

A snoogle is a C-shaped pillow that curls up above your head, down your back (to keep you from rolling over onto your side) and between your knees to relieve joint pain.  It's pretty stinking awesome.

This is how I use it most of the night, sleeping on my left side:

Then, in the wee hours of the morning, I switch over to my right side and the pillow runs along my tummy.

I have to say, it's pretty comfy.  It coils up on itself, so it's supposed to have about 10 different uses (like sitting up in bed, sitting on a hard floor, etc), but I pretty much just use it these two ways for now.


Jenelle Leanne said...

You can sleep/lie on your back until you're well into your second trimester.

That is a snazzy pillow. I think I want one!

John/Kristen said...

Hmmm, I wanted one of those so bad both times I was pregnant, but we honestly don't have enough room in the bed. (Ha! Big husband problems ;) )

Enjoy it!