Monday, April 29, 2013

Every Day Should Be Exterminator Day

Jason and I have been discussing getting an exterminator to treat our house for a while now.  We don't have a pest "problem."  It's just that we live around woods, so we do have quite a few bugs and varmints.  Well, the other day, an exterminator came to our door trying to book appointments.  Serendipity!  We scheduled an appointment for last Tuesday.

Here are the reasons why every day should be Exterminator Day:

#1: It forces us to clean our house.  Since we rarely have anyone over (and since Megan is super lazy), our house often goes long periods of time collecting dust and dirt.  This had to be fixed before the exterminator came.  Not only was the guy going to be in out house, but he needed access to the floorboards, so we really had to straighten up.

#2: It led to a really awesome afternoon.  We had told the original guy at our door that I was pregnant, and he made a note of it.  When the actual exterminator came on Tuesday, we learned that meant we had two options -- don't spray the inside of the house or I had to leave the house for two hours.

I had no problem leaving the house.  It was only 5:00 by that point, so I figured I'd go hang out at Caribou or something.  The only bummer was that I hadn't brought home papers to grade that night.  I didn't have any errands to run, either (I had taken care of them the day before).  Then, my brilliant husband had a great idea -- I could wait outside while the guy sprayed and then the two of us could go somewhere together.  Awesome!

I went out and sat in my car and read my Woman's Day magazine while I waited.  Jason finished up with the guy, and we went out on the town!  Um, but what to do now?

We ended up going to Caribou after all, getting coffees (decaf mint condition for me, please!), and walking around the outside of the art museum taking photos and sipping our coffees.  It was great to take things slow, have no agenda (except to waste away two hours), and to escape the temptations that are my couch and tv.  It turned out to be a fantastic evening!  Who knew Exterminator Day would be the highlight of our week?

This is what happens when I tell Jason to "smile with your new camera and coffee!"

Man, I love this handsome fella!

quick self portrait

capturing a sunlit blade of grass during the "magic hour" of daylight


Jenelle Leanne said...

Fun stuff. I love your blog posts. :)

John/Kristen said...

I was hoping for another baby bump picture at the end ;)

Unknown said...

Jenelle, I'm glad you stuck by the blog while I was dropping the ball about posting. Kristen, the bump pic is coming. I'm 24 weeks today, so we'll probably take a picture in the next day or two (whenever I'm wearing something cute).