Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Because You Can Never Have Too Many Addison Pics

Jason finally got around to looking through his Addison pictures from her 2nd birthday party.  Here's some of my favorites.

One of my favorite parts of the night was when Kara brought out a bunch of helium balloons from the party, and Addison went kuh-RAY-zee on them!  She ran through them yelling, beating them out of the way... and then repeated for the next 20 minutes.  Jason captured some priceless expressions along the way.

"Oh my goodness, this is great!!!"

"MY balloons.  They're MINE!"

"Um, excuse me?  Can I get some help over here?"

"Ok, this isn't so fun anymore."



Amanda English said...

BAH!!!!!!!!!! She's so stinkin' cute!

Unknown said...

Tell me about it!