Sunday, October 14, 2012

"Texas" is a Country, Right?

Wednesday was "Favorite Country Day."  Of all the days, this one seemed to give us the most trouble.  How can we go all out (which if we were going to dress up, we were going to dress WAY up) without being a stereotype?  We certainly didn't want to offend any of our students.

Weeks went by, and at a group lunch, it was brought back up.  "What are we going to be for Country Day?"  Then, all of a sudden, Chip said, "Country Day?  Like country western?"  *light bulb!*  We'll just say that our favorite country is "Country Western."

Yeehaw!  Thanks again to our resident photographer Gabe for the photo.

My PLT (professional learning team for those not in the 'biz), aka fellow Earth/Environmental teachers

And my fave picture from the day:

Gabe's caption on Facebook: "We obey the laws of physics in these here parts"... Hilarious!


Amanda English said...

The last one is totally my favorite! hahahahaha

Jenelle Leanne said...
