Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How the Selfs Keep Warm

First off, get your mind out of the gutter!  This is a PG blog, people!

Secondly, last week's 70-some and this week's 80-some degree weather makes this almost seem silly, but put yourself back in the mindset of a few weeks back when it decided to become 50 degrees and rainy all of a sudden.  Ok, now to the story.

I am a frugal bugle.  I've never liked spending money, and I will do most anything (except couponing... don't judge) to save a buck.  One of these things is avoiding turning on the heat until absolutely necessary.  We're talking December or January, frost advisories, "Ok, I guess we'll break down and turn it on" behavior.

That meant that when it was 50 degrees outside, we did not turn on our heat.  I looked at the thermostat and it was reading 62.  Now, a 62-degree day is doable.  A 62-degree house is frigid!  However, we were still stubborn and still refused to turn on the heat.

When I got home from work, I changed out of my rhythmic gymnast attire (because it was Spirit Week) and put on lots of layers of lots of flannel.  I made myself some hot apple cider to warm up and then curled up under our fuzzy white blanket on the couch.

This is what Jason did:

Hey, whatever works!  By the way, this was not for a photo opp.  He just put on all those clothes and actually wore them the rest of the night.

I should mention that Jason had a cold and worked from home the next day.  When I got home, he had broken down and turned on the heat.  Wuss.


Amanda English said...

HAHAHAHA! You and Joe are one in the same. He pitched a fit when I turned the heat onto 67. ;)

Jenn & David said...

that is pretty funny!