Wednesday, July 31, 2013


For a while now, Jason has wanted to find some piece of art to go over the cut-through between the kitchen and living room.  We looked at lots of options, but since the wall is shaped weird (not very tall and very long), we had a hard time finding something that would work.

Jason's coworker recommended we look for nursery decals from a company called Dali Decals.  While looking for those (more on that once I post nursery pics), we found a decal we liked for our living room -- a dandelion.

It's actually pretty easy to install.  You map out how you want it to look on the wall.  Then, you peel off the backing paper and stick the transfer paper to the wall.  They provide you with a plastic "squeegee" to press the decal onto the wall, and then you oh-so-carefully peel off the transfer paper.

The result:

Yes, each of those seeds is an individual decal.  It was a bit time-consuming, but I'm really happy with the results.  I better be, because I'm certainly not going to take it down any time soon!!!

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