Friday, September 6, 2013

10 Things at 10 Days Old

A guest post by Tyler...

Today I am 10 days old!  Mama and Daddy can hardly believe it!  I can already do so much.  Sure, I can sleep and eat and poop like any normal 10-day-old, but I can also do some other awesome things!

1. I can lift up and move around my head.  I was doing this before we even left the hospital.  I don't have a lot of control yet, but I'm getting there.

2. I can sit up (with help).  For a while, there was no in between with me.  If I was awake, I was either eating or squalling.  Now, I'm awake and calm a little more often, and my folks take advantage of that.  They walk me around the house or outside, teaching me about things I see or hear.  Sometimes, we sit together and watch tv.  Here I am watching tv with Daddy.  I know I don't look thrilled, but really, I am.

3. I can kick like a champ.  In the hospital, I could kick my way out of any swaddle, even the really tight ones the nurses would do.  At the pediatrician last week, I kicked the stethoscope right out of the doctor's hand.  I particularly like to show off my skills during diaper changes, when Mama or Daddy are trying to hold my feet and change me at the same time.  Oh, it's so fun!

4. I can knock Daddy out.  Mama and Daddy keep my hands in mittens most days.  Apparently they don't like when I try to scratch my face with my bare hands.  I like to pretend that my mittens are actually boxing gloves, and my hand movements are me throwing punches.  Daddy plays along.  When I "punch" him in the face, Daddy will pretend that I've knocked him out.  He'll move his head in response, close his eyes, and stick out his tongue like he's unconscious.  I don't really laugh yet, but Mama and Daddy find this all pretty hilarious.

5. I am beginning to be able to mimic faces.  Daddy and I played a game of sticking out our tongues at each other last night.  Mom tried her best to capture this.

Daddy sticks his tongue out...

...and then I stick MY tongue out!
 6. I can squall for 30 inconsolable minutes because I'm hungry, then fall asleep three minutes into eating.  We're talking red-in-the-face hyperventilating cries to limp-arms milk coma in no time flat.  I like to keep them on their toes.

7. I can make my parents laugh at nearly everything I do.  I can't take too much credit for this one.  They just find every face I make and pose I take hilarious.

8. I can make Mama respond to bodily functions.  A few hours after I was born, I let out five big poots.  Mama and Daddy burst into laughter.  For some reason, I like to wait until I'm eating to unload number 2s.  Mama, who is usually supporting my bum with her hand, cracks up laughing (as long as none leaks out!).  If I belch when she's burping me, she tells me I did a good job and kisses me on my forehead.  Mom is weird.

9. I can make any onesie look good.  Here I am, in my "dressy" onesie.

10.  I can make everyone fall in love with me.  It's both a blessing and a curse.


Unknown said...

Tyler forgot to mention he can also roll on his side. At 10 days old!

Amanda English said...


Jenelle Leanne said...

LOVE the post, and the pictures!!!