Tuesday, September 3, 2013

365 Days of Praise, Week 2

What is 365 Days of Praise?  Read about it here.

Ok, so not all my days are philosophical.  Today, Jason and I picked up some stock-the-kitchen groceries on our way home from church (have I mentioned before that going to the grocery store with Jason is dangerous?).  It was past lunch time, so we picked up some fried chicken from the bakery section of Kroger.  Oh. My. Word.  That was some delicious fried chicken!  Today, I'm thankful for delicious, crispy fried bird meat.

Monday was a break from the 90-degree heat, and Jason was able to do some yard work without passing out.  I'm thankful for fluctuations in temperature that make you appreciate the cooler days.

This one is a biggie, since it was quite an eventful day!  I'm thankful for amazing nurses who are friendly, knowledgeable, and go above and beyond to help you.  I'm thankful for a devoted husband who wakes up at 1:45am with me and stays with me all day, only leaving my side once to go eat a quick bite of lunch.  I'm thankful for family who were just as excited about Tyler's arrival as we were.  I'm thankful for modern medicine and epidurals.  Oh boy howdy, am I thankful for epidurals!  I'm thankful for my doctor's quick thinking which prevented some complications (you can ask me about this if you'd like... I just didn't want to write it publicly since it involves lady stuff).  I'm thankful for ham and cheese sandwiches after 24 hours of no food.  I'm thankful for my little miracle.  So so very thankful.

Wednesday was not a pleasant day.  I have no idea how people have visitors in the hospital, because I doubt fifteen minutes went by without a nurse, nurse tech, OB, pediatrician, cord bank people, etc. coming by to poke, prod, or ask us a barrage of questions.  I have to say, it was quite annoying.  I'm thankful for the few peaceful moments we got to actually be a family of three and figure out this whole parenthood thing.  Those moments were precious and too few and far between.

We got to come home from the hospital on Thursday.  We had asked my mom to stay with us the first week home, to help with cooking, doing things around the house, and occasionally helping with Tyler. When we got here around 1pm, she had a pot of chicken rice soup bubbling away on the stove.  I'm thankful for my mom and all the help she has been.

By Friday, we were able to relax a bit and really start enjoying our son.  Jason and I took about a million and a half pictures each.  We can't help it, he's so photogenic!  I'm thankful for our cameras, which will be able to capture moments of our little boy's life.  I'm also thankful that he just lies there and can't really run away from the camera yet!

We went for our first pediatrician appointment on Friday.  All babies lose some of their birth weight, but the doctor had been a bit concerned about his loss and asked us to come back in on Saturday.  Well, not only had our little man not lost any additional weight, he had gained three ounces overnight!  I'm thankful for milk, healthy appetites, and one less thing to be concerned about!

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