Friday, September 23, 2011

You Just Won the Superbowl, Now What Are You Going to Do?

We're going to Disney Land!

Wednesday was "Going to Disney" day, which meant we were all supposed to dress like tourists.  What makes a Disney tourist?  I'm glad you asked.

1) plaid shorts
2) Hawaiian shirt, not in the same color scheme as the shorts
3) dorky t-shirt (I went with my Back to the Future shirt) not in same color scheme as the shorts or the Hawaiian shirt
4) tall white socks
5) flip flops with the socks
6) Mickey ears or something in the same vein

What does this look like?  Something like this:

Gabe (the guy behind the pictures, far right) made all of our Disney hats.  The three East Building teachers (Shelly, Aaron, and I) were Huey, Dewey, and Louie.  I call this shot the "family photo" because we grouped all the mice together and all the ducks together.

Then we got silly... pretending like we're on a roller coaster at Disney.  This time, I actually MEANT to have my eyes closed!

The three duck triplets, over in Mongolia (the East Building feels forever far from the Main Building where the rest of the science department is).

The best part of the day is that I kept forgetting that I was wearing the duck hat... until I would see my shadow on the overhead screen!

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