Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my loved ones!

Here's a few pictures from Thanksgivings past to get you in the mood...

Thanksgiving 2009 -- Our first Thanksgiving as a married couple.  I made us a mini-Thanksgiving meal of chicken, green-bean casserole (which I learned Jason hates...), sweet potato casserole (a staple at the Selfs -- the Nebo Selfs, that is.  It's a special occasion at the Raleigh Selfs), and biscuits.  This was all before traveling to Jamesville and eating 3/4 of our body weight in food. :)

At our house
SOME of the food Mom made (it doesn't all fit on this table)

We also had a family outing shooting targets.  It was a blast!  I hadn't shot a gun in over ten years, so it was really fun.  Mom "won" by shooting the closest to the bullseye.

Thanksgiving 2010 -- Jason was in the process of growing out his mustache for the mustache party.  It didn't seem to get in the way of eating all the delicious food!  After the meal, we went over to Jim and Tammy's.  The guys played pool.  The girls somehow ended up having a photo shoot with Tammy.  We all gathered around the fire pit and chatted for a while.

I'm sure I'll share pictures from 2011 some time soon, but until then, Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm so blessed in so many ways, and I'm thankful for each of my faithful blog-readers (all three of you *wink*).


Jenelle Leanne said...

Fun :) can't wait to see your pictures of this year!

By the by... I really do enjoy looking at your pictures that you post of your photography adventures... and just a little bit envious that you're so good at it... :)

Unknown said...

Jenelle, 90% of the pics I post are stolen from Jason! HE'S the expert... I'm just the faithful assistant. Glad you like them, though! :)