Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why Yes, I AM 5 Years Old...

Today my students are jamming their fingers in Fun Size Milky Way bars, pulling them apart, and squishing them back together, all in the name of science (plate tectonics, to be exact).  I think they're enjoying "playing with their food" and feeling like kids again.  One class down, and it's actually not the disaster I had feared it would be.

In honor of feeling like a kid again, I made an impulsive Target purchase the other day.  For the first time in years, I bought a can of Spaghetti-O's with everso fake meatballs.  Oh my word, they're as fantastic I had remembered them.  I'm also eating applesauce (another kid-staple), but it's homemade, so not as kiddy.

What's your guilty like-a-kid treat?  Do you watch cartoons (even when an actual kid is not around), wear footie pajamas, put your hair in pigtails?  Please share!


Amanda English said...

Pizza Rolls... Mmmmmm

MSpencer said...

When I was pregnant I bought bagel bites...just like high school!