Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Some other fun quotes from telling friends and family:

Jason (in an email to me about how he was going to tell Joe and Amanda): "Did you ever notice how burritos look like little swaddled babies... by the way, we're having a baby."

How we actually told them:
Me: (talking about the State Fair) "One day we'll make it back there."
Jason: "Maybe we'll take our kid.  By the way, we're having a kid."

"Congrats and drats." -- My principal, Dr. Mutillo, who was both excited for me and worried because he's seen too many teachers not return after having a baby (don't worry, I am... really really)

Kristen B: "So what's up with Megan these days?"
Me: "Oh, you know... pregnant."

Jason's coworker (after seeing the "itself" picture): "You should have called it "Our Self"

My uncle Jim: "There was more in the oven at Thanksgiving than we realized."


Amanda English said...

HA! I wish Jason would have said that to us. LOL!

Unknown said...

Well, it didn't work once we chose Brixx, but it was a contender when we were thinking Los Tres.