Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Telling Jason

It's been really fun telling our loved ones the good news.  Over the next couple of days, I'm going to share some of those stories.  PS, I don't intend to turn this into a pregnancy blog.  I've just been dying to share these stories for a while now, so they're going to spill out over the next week or so!

Let me back up a bit before sharing how I told Jason.  I started having suspicions I was pregnant on December 14 at my science department Christmas party.  We were at a restaurant, I ordered food, and when it came, the thought of eating it grossed me out.  For those of you that know me well, I'm a big eater.  It wasn't that I was full or that the food tasted bad, it was just very unappealing to me.  This got me wondering...

As the days went by, I noticed other small things, and really started thinking I was pregnant.  Then came the logistics.  We had discussed not telling our families right away because they wouldn't be able to keep the secret from the whole neighborhood (sorry, but you know it's true).  That said, if I was pregnant, I knew there was no way I could get through the holidays without spilling the beans!  So that meant I'd have to wait until after we were done celebrating Christmas to take the test...

We got back from celebrating Christmas in Jamesville on December 28 (easy to remember because it's my dad's birthday).  Nearly immediately after we got home, I rushed off to "buy groceries."  If Jason was confused by this, he didn't show it.  Leaving the house, I was so distracted I ended up scraping my side mirror against the garage!  It's ok, no damage done, though I was really embarrassed when Jason came outside to make sure everything was ok.  Despite my distraction, I was able to go buy groceries... and a test.  I went upstairs, took the test, and it was positive.  *happy dance*

Back over the summer, I had decided how I would tell Jason if we ever got pregnant.  I wanted to give him something tangible.  A few weeks before Christmas I found the perfect thing...

So after finding out the good news, I came downstairs with a tiny gift bag and told Jason I had one more Christmas gift for him.  He accused me of buying something at the grocery store and wrapping it up like a gift.  When he unwrapped the gift -- a mustache onesie -- he was utterly confused.  I blurted out, "I'm pregnant!"  The next thing I said?  "Well, at least I think I'm pregnant.  Come double-check the test and make sure I didn't read it wrong."

still a little in shock

Once we had confirmed I actually was pregnant, we hugged, kissed, hugged again... but then what?

Jason looked at me and said, "What do we do now?"
I said, "I guess we have a baby."
Jason: "Should I go boil some water?"

Oh, that silly goose!


Jenelle Leanne said...

Boil water! Boil water! - Bill Cosby

Amanda English said...

BOIL WATER! hahahahaha

Katherine said...

I'm so excited for you guys! And thank you for sharing this story. It made me laugh out loud today and I really needed a laugh. (Boil Water!) heeheee