Wednesday, February 6, 2013

And the Birthday Continues...

Ok, I know most of you have given up on me.  I blame the chaos of the beginning of the semester.  I blame the cold weather.  I blame the Harry Potter series, which I'm currently rereading.  I'm busy at work... it's cold at home... so all I do is snuggle up with a book under a blanket.  Hardly award-winning blog material there.

This past weekend, I actually DID something, so I thought I'd share.  I met up with my good friend Kristen for our bi-monthly chat fest at Caribou Coffee.  Kristen's not even a big coffee drinker, but after some trial and error, we discovered that the people at the 'Bou are least likely to shoot evil glances at you if you take up prime seats for a few hours.  The people at Dairy Queen?  Not so much.  We learned that one the hard way.

Anyway, I caught up with Kristen over a Caramel High Rise (yum!).  Afterwards, she took me over to Versona Accessories and gave me some spending money as a belated birthday gift.  She first introduced me to Versona a few months ago when it came to Brier Creek.  It's like a candy store for jewelry-lovers.  Everything is color-coordinated.  Need coral jewelry?  It's all grouped together.  Found the perfect red necklace and wonder if there are matching earrings?  They're right there beside the necklace.  It's fun just to explore!

I never have luck in stores when I a) want to go shopping and b) have cash to spend, but I managed to find a few pairs of earrings.  I also chipped in a bit of leftover birthday money (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and bought something very different for me -- a coral maxi skirt.  I think I'll get some really good wear out of it this spring and even into summer (especially when I don't feel like shaving my legs!).

My haul:

I know the skirt comes off orange here, but I blame my freakishly dark house for skewing the colors (I took this photo this morning at 5:30am, so no sunlight to help).  As for the cat birthday card?  Well, that's a bit of an inside joke between me and KHB.


Amanda English said...

Cute finds! I've still only read book #1, just like you I've been super busy. =/ Tonight will be night #3 in a row trying to watch HP1. I keep turning it off when the husband falls asleep. He could care less about HP, but I'm forcing him to watch it with me. I mean seriously how can you fall asleep during HP? at like 7:30pm? We'll see if I can get him through it tonight. lol

Unknown said...

Has he never seen them?!?! Do you have all the movies, or are you doing tv?