Monday, May 6, 2013

24 Weeks

I can't believe I've been pregnant for 6 months now!  It seems like just yesterday I was talking to my belly, asking if there was anyone inside yet.  Now, there's no hiding my bump from the world!

How far along? 24 weeks
Baby size? Approximately 10.5" long and the size of a cantaloupe
Maternity clothes?  I'm still wearing some "normal" shirts and elastic-banded skirts.  Otherwise, I'm into the maternity clothes full force.  I mostly live in skirts and dresses, though the recent weather makes this a bit chilly.  After a MONTH without wearing jeans, I finally broke down and bought myself a pair of maternity jeans this weekend.  I have to say, I'm kinda loving maternity clothes.  It's like Christmas and I have this whole new (free! thanks to the generosity of some moms) wardrobe to play in.
Sleep?  Yes, please!  Nothing new here.  I sleep through most nights now without having to get up.  When I do have to get up, I've learned to navigate in the dark.  This bodes well for midnight (and 1am and 2am and 3am...) feedings.
Best Moment this Week?  Lilhimself has been subtle and sporadic with kicking.  That said, last week, he was so kicky that you could actually SEE my belly moving!  This made Jason (who hasn't gotten to feel a lot of kicks) very excited.
Miss Anything?  I miss being comfortable.  I also really missed jeans until this weekend.
Movement?  Kicky on occasion.  He seems to go in spurts.
Food Cravings? Still just liking anything and everything.
Anything Making me Queasy/Sick? Nope.
Gender? still a little boy
Symptoms?  Pretty bad back pain.  I'm doing stretches, using a heating pad, and sprawling out on an exercise ball to help it, but it's kinda lousy.  Then again, since this is my ONLY symptom, I'm not going to complain.
Wedding Rings on or off?  Still on.  I haven't noticed any swelling yet (except my belly, of course!)
Mood?  Cranky when my back hurts.  Otherwise, I still feel like "me."
Looking forward to?  Decorating the nursery, registering for a load of baby stuff, and having baby showers!


Amanda English said...

6 months AHHH! WOW! You look great Meg! xoxo

Unknown said...


Jenelle Leanne said...

Awww, cute picture!

Careful with the non-maternity shirts nowadays... I learned the hard way that they could get stretched out beyond repair (or ability to wear them once you're not pregnant anymore) without me realizing it...

Love the updates!