Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Philippians 4

I have a hard time with favorites.  I have a favorite color (orange) and a favorite movie (Princess Bride), but beyond that?  How could I ever pick one food to say I like more than any other food?  How could I say one song is more awesome than all the other ones I love?  I like too many things to say something is my "favorite."

That said, my hands-down favorite book in the Bible is Philippians.  Paul is succinct (which can't be said for all of his letters!), lays out his own testimony (which I consider very similar to mine... esteemed by the world's standards, but headed in the wrong direction only to be called to lay down those things to follow Christ), and has such quotable verses.

My all-time favorite verse in the Bible is the 4th verse --
"Rejoice in the Lord always.  Again, I will say, rejoice!"

Though that's my favorite verse, I find myself quoting verses 6&7 more often --
"Be anxious for nothing.  But by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

I am a high-strung person.  The month of May has been overwhelming me recently between teaching, end-of -year paperwork, student drama (a student moving, another student refuses to come to school and is suspended when she's here, bullying that was happening right under my nose), social engagements, and not being able to do as much as I used to (my back gives out for the day around 3:30, so staying late to get stuff done is nearly impossible).

This morning, God and I had some quality time calming me down with Philippians 4:6-7 and "It is Well with My Soul" on the radio.  When I got to school, I had a card in my mailbox from the girl who's been dealing with bullying.  It said:

"Dear Mrs. Self, you are a great teacher and have been a great support system when I was in need.  You are going to be a wonderful mother because you're a wonderful teacher and person.  Thanks for everything."

It's Teacher Appreciation Week, and she had written it for an assignment (I saw other teachers had cards in their boxes as well).  I have not been feeling underappreciated, but I have been feeling stressed.  This card was just what I needed (and I'm not ashamed to say the pregnancy hormones made me tear up a bit when I read it) to help me focus on what's important about my job and to relax about the less important things.

I pray that God's peace fills you today with whatever life is trying to throw at you.

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

You have had a lot going on... Love you Megan... PS - cards are awesome, much more personal and effective than an email sometimes... love you.