Monday, June 24, 2013

"Danger" is my Middle Name

A few weeks ago, Jason and I went to the NC Botanical Gardens in Chapel Hill.  One of our favorite features there is the carnivorous plants garden -- Venus Fly Traps, Sundews, and Pitcher Plants.

Sun dew -- bugs get stuck and the plant actually curls around the bug

When we were there, I found this guy.  Ooh, buddy, you need to be careful.  You don't know what you're hanging out on...

Danger!  Danger!  

He did actually manage to make it out safely, but I wonder if he knows how close he was to becoming plant food.


Jenelle Leanne said...

I am constantly amazed and impressed by y'all's photography skills! Wow!

Unknown said...

Don't be too impressed... remember, I only post the good shots. :-)

Amanda English said...

OR maybe the food plant KNEW he'd get stung. lol