Monday, June 16, 2014

Photographic Subjects

In our early-married days when discussing kids, we talked about how our lives would change.  Now, we've never been ones for going to superswank restaurants or plays or (let's be honest here) even the movies.  We don't travel much.  Pretty much what we did every weekend was take photo trips to locations within an hour of home.

Jason: "Well, we won't be able to do those anymore."
Me: "Sure we will.  You can take photos, and I'll strap the baby to me and we'll walk around with you."

1) There's no strapping my lil chunk onto me anymore.  I think I would topple over!
2) We do still go on photo trips, just not nearly as often.  We take our cameras with us a lot of places, but we either forget to take any pictures or our pictures look like this (from a recent trip to the arboretum).

Before you proceed, this is what my pictures used to look like (old blog posts here and here).

These are the most recent pictures I took at the arboretum:

See all the wonderful flowers in bloom?  Missed it?  Yeah, apparently so did I.  All I ever seem to take pictures of these days is this little fella.  But can you blame me?

I did manage to take one non-Tyler picture that I felt was worth sharing:

But other than that, it doesn't matter where we are, all I care about is my new photographic subject.

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