Tuesday, June 30, 2015


No pictures today, just a few Tyler stories:

A few weeks ago, we picked Tyler up from Sunday School.  He was playing with a baby doll when we got there.
Jason: "What were you playing with the baby doll?"
Tyler: "Diaper change!"
Me: "Are you going to change the baby's diapers when it gets here?"
Tyler (emphatically): "YES!"
Me: "Even the stinky diapers?"
Tyler: "Eww, that's stinky!"

Jason's parents came to visit a few weeks ago.  Since then, whenever Tyler is whining or gets "hurt" (as in, falls, but could in no way possible be hurt), he'll whine and say "Uhhhh, Nana, PawPaw."  We mostly ignored this.  Now, he throws in the other grandparents for good measure: "Uhhhh, Nana, PawPaw, Grandma, Pa."

It's gone from cute to mildly amusing to annoying.  This morning (after he was throwing a fit about brushing his teeth), the words "They can't help you now" and "No one can hear you scream" may have come from my mouth.

We always used to listen to Caspar Babypants in the car.  Recently, Jason told me that he and Tyler had listened to "Daddy music" on the way home from school.  Since then, Tyler has been requesting Daddy music instead of his own.  Thank goodness, because I couldn't handle hearing those songs one. more. time.

I picked Tyler up from school the other day, so we listened to Mama music on the way home.  That music happened to be the Ting Tings.  Tyler LOVED IT.  He likes to sing the "Drum Song" (Great DJ).

The drums part is in the chorus, starting at about 1 minute.

His personal favorite (and mine, too) is "That's Not My Name."  He finds this hilarious, and at any point, we can say to him "That's not my name!" and he'll giggle and say it back to us.

My kid, Ting Tings fan.  I'm so proud!

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