Thursday, March 5, 2015

18 Days of Celebrating 18 Months -- Music

Tyler (like most kids) loves music.  On our road trip to New Bern, we listened to some of his little kid music (Caspar Babypants, highly recommend) in the car.  After certain songs, he would clap his hands and say "Yay!"  If he really liked a song (like "Three Blind Mice"), he'd request it over and over and over!

Stompy the Bear:  one of his faves from the trip.  (if the video doesn't load, you can watch it here).

One of his favorite car games is when we whistle or hum a song and he names the tune.  I know very little about what kids his age can/cannot do, but he can seriously name a least a dozen songs, sometimes after just a few hummed notes!

He participates in "If You're Happy and You Know It," clapping, stomping, and yelling "Amen!"  During diaper changes, he requests "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and has gotten pretty good at the hand motions.  He contributes to the lyrics of "You are my Sunshine," "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," "Jingle Bells" (just the "hey!" part), "Munuh muh nuh" song, "Jesus Loves Me," and "Old McDonald."

His two favorite songs (right now, changes regularly) are "Baa Baa Black Sheep" and "The Wheels on the Bus."  During Baa Baa, he will throw down whatever he is playing with, stand up, and do this crazy bee-bopping dance (best way I can describe it).  Now that I think about it, he does the same thing (except with a foot-stomping dance) with "BINGO."  Maybe it's something they do during music time at school?

He loves "Wheels on the Bus" so much that we've had to come up with extra verses.  Now, you may know that the wheels go round-and-round, and that the people go up-and-down.  You may know that that babies go "Wah wah wah" and the Mamas go "Shh shh shh."  But did you know that the Daddies go "Heh heh heh"?  Did you know that there were monkeys on the bus?  Or peacocks?  (Tyler does a pretty mean peacock impression).  Well, on Tyler's bus, there are.

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