Thursday, August 16, 2012

Goodbye to Summer

Today's my last official day of summer.  Tomorrow, I return to work and to the real world.  This is my goodbye letter to summer.

Dear Summer, 

First of all, thank you for existing for teachers.  I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have all summer to pack up the old house, paint the old house, move, unpack, settle in, clean, and organize.  If I had been working these past two months, we'd still probably be picking our outfits for the day out of cardboard boxes!  Thank you for providing me a break from work.  I put 110% into the school year, and by June, I was spent.  I needed this break to refresh.  Thank you for giving me time to paint letter projects, something I don't get to do during the school year.

Thank you for lazy mornings.  While I'm not one to sleep in, even during the summer, I do enjoy my leisurely mornings blogging, watching taped television, and doing Sudokus in my pjs.  Thanks for "sports clothes" (what Jason and I call workout shorts and t-shirts) and for giving me no reason to put on "real clothes" most days.

Thank you for your produce.  Thank you for juicy peaches and ripe tomatoes.  Thank you for zucchinis and cucumbers that don't break the bank because they're actually in season.  Thank you watermelon, too, though I'm just now realizing I haven't had any this summer.  I'll have to remedy that today.

Sorry I ignored you most of the time.  I didn't take full advantage of your sunshine and warmth.  I didn't visit the beach, go to the pool, or even once slip on a bathing suit.  I didn't take early-morning photo trips with Jason to avoid the blazing heat.  I didn't take photo trips at all...

I know our relationship the past few months has been pushed aside to make room for my relationships with my houses (yes, plural, though we're hoping we get an offer on the townhouse any day now).  I know I haven't enjoyed you fully this year.  But trust me, as I start my school year tomorrow, I will be daydreaming about you for the next 10 months.

I'll be counting the days til I get to see you again,



Amanda English said...

I envy the teacher summers for sure! You had a pretty big summer! You forget to mention that you were sorry for not hanging out with some girl who lived in the peak of good living. JK! I'm so excited for you guys!!! I can't wait to see your house! Love you! xoxo

Jenn & David said...

Good Luck this school year! And if you have any connections to LHS t-shirts let me know. Would love to purchase some for my collection :)