Friday, March 13, 2015

18 Days of Celebrating 18 Months -- Bath Time

A rundown of bath time:

After dinner, Jason asks Tyler what time it is.  Tyler says "bath time!"  Then, he rushes into the living room, picks up Elmo and Gordy (his stuffed giraffe), and we all excitedly go upstairs.  Tyler and I go in his room and get him ready.  Jason goes and prepares the bath.

Tyler loves bath time!  He loves splashing, playing with his toys, eating bubbles... yeah, it's gross, I discouraged it, but Tyler loved when Jason would say "ewwwww!"  So he picks up a handful of bubbles, does this weird little giggle, and slooooowly brings his hand towards his mouth.  I finally had to put a stop to it, and Tyler decided to come up with another fun bath time activity -- drinking his bath water from his bath toys (eww eww eww eww!).  Nope nope nope!

Um, so Tyler's toy privileges have been temporarily revoked.  We're back to old school -- splashing and playing with his bubble bath bottle.  Yes, he loves his Elmo bubble bath.  He'll make the bottle dance around the tub while Jason or I sing the "La la la la" Elmo song.  Jason took this picture months ago (it also features an awesome hairstyle).

After bath time comes Tyler's two favorite parts.  One, he LOVES his dinosaur hooded towel.  After we wrap him up in it, he insists on seeing himself in the mirror and roaring.  Sometimes, it's a family affair:

... I'm starting to suspect we're a bit weird.

He also loves to have his teeth brushed.  Hmm, let me clarify.  He loves playing with the tube of Elmo toothpaste (Tyler's bath time is brought to you by the letters P B S).  He loves the taste of his toothpaste.  He DOES NOT actually like having his teeth or tongue brushed.  He just clamps down on the brush and tries to suck all the toothpaste off.  *sigh*  Sometimes having a good eater is not a good thing.

So that's bath time around here.  A family event full of bubbles, unhygienic habits, dinosaurs, and Elmo. 

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