Saturday, March 14, 2015

18 Days of Celebrating 18 Months -- Equal Opportunist

Cheating and posting two of the 18 days on the same day

Tyler has a quirky habit that I find adorable -- if I request a hug, he'll give me one (and make hugging grunting noises, hilarious!)... then, he'll find Jason and say "Daddy, huuh!" and give Jason a hug.  Then, he'll hold his arms against his body and say "Ty Ty [that's what he calls himself] huuh!"

Yes, my child is an equal opportunist.

It's not just hugs, either.  Kiss Mama's cheek, kiss Daddy's cheek, then puts his hand over his mouth and makes kiss noises for the self-kiss.  Give Daddy fives, Mama fives, then clap his hands (which I've never thought of, but is basically giving yourself fives).

I think it's sweet that he wants to equally share his love.  He'll do it with other family members, too.  Last time we saw the Selfs, EVERYBODY got a hug whenever anyone asked for one.

Some of it is also him learning about the world.  When we're trying to convince him to eat something, (sidenote, accidentally typed "someone" instead of "something" at first.  That would have been bad!) we point out to him that Mama is eating it and Daddy is eating it.  When we're trying to get him to put on his shoes (or hat or coat), we show him that we have our shoes on as well, and that they're needed to go outside.

The other day, I took out my contacts and put on my glasses.  Tyler started whining a bit.  I asked him what was wrong, and he said "Daddy glasses.  Mama glasses.  Ty Ty glasses."  He was sad that Jason and I had glasses, but he didn't!  He also noticed about our watches ("clock tick tock tick tock").  So, um, I made him a watch.

Sometimes this quirk takes an odd turn.  When it's time for bed and we're all standing together saying goodnight, he'll tug on Jason's ears, then mine, then his own... and Jason's hair, my hair, Tyler's hair... and our eyes (your toddler poking you in the eye while you're holding him and don't have use of your hands.  Precious memories)... and our noses.  You get the idea.  He keeps going and going!  Maybe we have a future geneticist in our midst?

Or a nut job.  Time will tell.

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