Saturday, March 14, 2015

18 Days of Celebrating 18 Months -- Language

I am astounded by Tyler's language skills.  While we still have a lot of "only Mom and Dad know what he's saying right now" moments (and a lot of "not even Mom or Dad know what he's saying right now!" moments), I'm super impressed with what words he knows.

Back in January, to keep myself from going stir-crazy while administering state exams, I tried to write down all the words that Tyler knows (uses on a regular basis without us having to ask "Can you say [blank]?").  I stopped when I reached 100.  100 words!  Well, that was a month ago.  If I tried to make that list now, it would be well over 200.  That kid is a word machine!

I wonder just how much he has retained that we haven't tapped into yet.  Other than Stompy the Bear, Tyler's favorite Caspar Babypants song is Bad Blue Jay (lame video, but great song).  In the song, there are responses.  A few days ago, Jason sang the song to Tyler (instead of listening to it), and TYLER KNOWS ALL THE RESPONSES.  No, he can't quite manage "no, you can't grow corn" (though he does mumble several words, so I think he thinks he's saying it), but in response to "Do you make a lot of noise," he proudly says "chainsaw!"  "What will it take?" "birthday cake!"  I just... that kid astounds me.

He's gotten really good with books, too.  He can "read" the last words of each rhyming line in his rhyming books, particularly One Fish, Two Fish and Goodnight Moon (Every little kid book should rhyme.  Just saying).  He loves his word books, and can tell you nearly every thing in some (including one from my childhood that has things like "candle" and "stamp" in it, things he doesn't know from real-life experience.

I promise I'll try to capture some of these things on video.  It's just hard because (in true kid fashion), he clams up around a video camera, or tries to grab it and play with it.

He regularly communicates with us.  Jason went to get him from bed a few days ago, and Tyler had pulled back the curtains.  When Jason came in, Tyler said "cars!"  I guess he had been car-watching out the window!  He tells us what he wants to do (usually involves "tv" *sigh*).  He calls his friends by name (Elmo, Gordy, Howdy, Di Di).  Oh, you thought I meant people?  Well, he calls his friends at school by name, too.  When he leaves, he turns, flails his arms, and says "Bye bye, Davis!  Bye bye, Rachel!  Bye bye, Chloe!" and on and on.

He's also to that "listening to your conversation" stage of development.  Just a few nights ago, Jason and I were having a conversation about the mail during dinner.  Tyler stopped eating and yelled "mail!"  This isn't bad, except he's always listening.  I told Jason to watch Tyler while I went to pee.  Tyler said "Mama pee!"  Hmm, another gonna-be-fun-around-company moment for the Selfs!


Unknown said...

Hey there! Glad that Bad Blue Jay is a good one for word learning! BTW - that is NOT my video! someone just made it I guess without asking. Cheers!

Unknown said...

I could tell it wasn't a Caspar video because my kiddo didn't request to see it 20 times in a row. 😉