Saturday, March 7, 2015

18 Days of Celebrating 18 Months -- TV

I must confess, my kid watches a lot of tv.  When he gets home from school, he immediately rushes over to the remotes and asks for "TV!!!!"  We don't let him watch then, but he does get to watch later in the evening when I start preparing dinner.

He still watches Dora, Peppa Pig and Bubble Guppies, but also loves Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Mike the Knight.  He picks what he wants to watch.  He names the characters both while he's watching and when he's in the car (especially when we're trying to keep him awake and/or keep him from fussing).

Jason asked Tyler the other day who his favorite Paw Patrol character was.  He said "Ruhrull" (Tyler-speak for Rubble).  Jason asked him what color Rubble was, and Tyler immediately said "Yewwoh."  Then, he proceeded to tell Jason all the other characters and colors (though he said the pink dog Skye was purple).  Seriously, son, you continue to amaze us (and worry us that you're watching too much tv!).

He sits in his little chair and watches quietly or plays while watching.  And holds onto his hairbrush.  You know, normal things. :)

...orrr he awkwardly stands in a trance while watching 

He's not always a zombie.  He does stand up and dance during Mickey Mouse's Hot Dog Dance.  He claps along to Dora's "Come on, Vamanos" song and helps her and Boots out whenever they need it.  When an episode ends, he requests another show, then gets SUPER excited when it comes on (like he's honestly surprised, even though he just requested it!). 

And just as a bonus, I snapped this shot when trying to take pictures of him watching tv:

"Mom, why do you keep taking pictures of me?"

Oh, I forgot to mention, he calls any non-kid shows (aka "Mama/Daddy shows") the neeeeewwwws.  I guess we do tend to watch a lot of news around him (both in the morning before school and at dinner).  Wow, Jason and I are officially old.

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