Thursday, July 28, 2011

If I Were at Hogwarts...

Did I ever mention that I like Harry Potter?  No?  I REALLY like Harry Potter.  Well, in her infinite wisdom, Amanda passed these Harry Potter questions on to me.  If you don't like Harry Potter or are unfamiliar with some of the best movies and books ever, a) I pity you and b) you probably want to stop reading for now and return tomorrow.  For those who love HP as much as me, feel free to answer these questions yourself and spread the love!

~Which House do you belong to?  
A quick summary (because I had to refresh my own memory) of the house characteristics.  Gryffindors are known for their bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry.  Hufflepuffs are known for their hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play.  Ravenclaws are known for their intelligence, knowledge, and wit.  Slytherins are known for their ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness.

After reading these characteristics, I'm guessing I would have been sorted into Ravenclaw.  I've always really valued intelligence and knowledge, which is why I thrived in Quiz Bowl in high school, enjoy trivia nights at restaurants, and I don't know, want to be a teacher.  Also, anyone who has ever spent an hour around my family knows that we value wit -- the drier the better.  Plus, I look pretty good in blue and bronze.

I'd be hanging with Luna and Cho in Ravenclaw

~What are your favorite and least favorite classes?
The chemist in me thinks I would have enjoyed potions (maybe just during the Slughorn days, since Snape was always such a meanie).  Tons of tedious measurements and procedures?  Yes, please!  I think I also would have faired well in Muggle Studies, for obvious reasons.  As for least favorite, I'd have to go with History of Magic (which sounds good in concept but was extremely boring in Pottereality).

Don't worry, Hermione, I'd be able to help you in Potions class

~Which Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was the best?
Lupin all the way!  Well, he wasn't secretly evil (so that knocks out Quirrell, Moody, Snape (debatable), or Umbridge), and he wasn't too egotistical to actually teach the subject (bye bye, Lockhart).  He taught by example, made each class interesting, and let the students actually practice the spells, not just hear him lecture about them.  Lupin's not only the best of the DADA teachers, he's probably my favorite Hogwarts professor overall.

A Hogwarts teacher better than Lupin?  Riddikulus.

~If you were an Animagus, what animal would you turn into?
Monkey, all the way.  That may make it hard to blend into society (in comparison to Sirius' dog of McGonagall's cat), but c'mon, being a monkey would be awesome!

~What form would your boggart take?
Masses and masses of caterpillars... or a really quick-moving cockroach.

~Would you have joined Dumbledore's Army?
I'm way too scared of breaking to rules to have joined.

Dumbledore's Army.  Notice that I'm not pictured.  Why?  Because I would be too scared (also why I'm not in Gryffindor).

What is your chosen Deathly Hallow?

Definitely the invisibility cloak.  For one, if you listen to the story, the brothers with the wand and resurrection stone didn't fair too well, did they?  Plus, having the ability to be invisible at any time would be awesome.

What would Amortentia (love potion) smell like to you?

Mitchum deodorant, freshly-baked muffins, and Caribou coffee

Pretty much, it would smell like this guy...


Amanda English said...

I snickered a few times reading this post. LOVE IT!

Jenelle Leanne said...

Fun, I'm going to steal this idea and use it on my own blog!! :)

I am concerned, however, that you think Snape was evil. He's the tragic hero!!

Unknown said...

That's why I said "debatable." Evil or not, he wasn't the most fun teacher and thus, Lupin still reigns supreme.

Jenelle Leanne said...

Well yes, I agree with you there ;) my one major beef with Rowling is that she killed off Lupin. I found that to be truly unnecessary.

Unknown said...

Oh, I thought it was wonderful and tragic, especially because of Tonks, too. If one had survived without the other, I wouldn't have liked it, but I thought it was touching. Definitely prompted the tears to flow, both in the book and the movie.