Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's Like Christmas!

Jason and I want to get some more pictures for around the house, so I've been going through his photos to find candidates for us to discuss and choose.  In doing that, I stumbled across this picture I had totally forgotten about from last November.

Jason had just learned about this thing called HDR where you take the same picture three times -- overexposed, normal exposure, and underexposed -- and then combine them to make a freaky picture.  We went out to Umstead for some HDR experimentation.  He took pictures of leaves, the lake, even some of me.  I got tired of posing by myself, so I asked him to set the camera timer and come take one with me.

Reasons I like this picture:
~I had forgotten about it, so stumbling upon it was like getting a Christmas present in July
~It's of both of us, and farther away than my arm's length (which is usually how I take pictures of both of us)
~It's full of fall colors, long-sleeved shirts, and pants, which reminds me of the cool temperatures of November.  On a day like today, that's a happy thought!