Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Meg's Bug Rules

Rule 1: Bugs inside the house get killed.  Let animal-lovers judge me all they want.  If you're inside my house and you're a bug, you get killed.  Sure, I'd love to get the "good" bugs back outside, but have you ever tried to move a bug somewhere?  They seriously resist you, and it really bugs me to try. (pun fully intended)

Rule 2: Bugs outside the house get to stay.  Bugs belong outside, so who am I to deny them? Take for instance this orb weaver spider I found the other day in our bushes by our mailbox.  He's just minding his own business, shedding his old skin.  Why mess with him?  What did I do instead?  Went inside, got my camera, took his picture, and named him George.

Rule 3: If you're poisonous or dangerous, Rule 2 does not apply.  I saw this spider when I was putting out the recycling.  What did I do?  Went inside, got my camera, took her picture, then squished her.  Sorry, Rule 3 trumps Rule 2 every time.


Amanda English said...

Pooooor Pooooorrrrr Pider.... LOL

Jenelle Leanne said...

Those are the exact same as "Jenelle's Bug Rules"!! :)

Katherine said...

I love orb spiders.. I've counted 6 here around our house.. All juvinile. I love to watch them grow. I am a pretty good bug wrangler and if I find one inside I usually catch it and take it outside.. but anything poisonous is a deader. Squished or sprayed if I cant get a good squishing projectory..

Katherine said...

not projectory .. trajectory.. too early in the morning for spelling or thinking...