Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas with Addison

Much to Addison's delight (and her parents' chagrin), Addison got lots of small things from her aunts and uncle for Christmas.  Her big present was a new easel and some art supplies.  We even bought her a smock (which may exceed your level of cuteness today, I should have warned you), which she asked to put on each time she played with the easel.

She also got some blocks.  Uncle Jason learned very quickly that Addison enjoyed violently destroying things he built rather than building things herself.  (Don't worry, his black eye went away... eventually...)

I think Addison's favorite gift was a new train set.  The pieces fit together really easily, so she was able to change up the track by herself.

She also loved sitting or standing in the "holes" of the figure 8.

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