Thursday, January 3, 2013

So Tired of Being Flingin' Flangin' Sick

I took pictures over Christmas.  Really, I did.  I had a good time, and had such great plans to edit the photos and blog about all the adventures.  And then it hit.

I'm sick.  Again.  For the FOURTH time in about two and half months.  What the what?!?  How is that even possible?

I'll spare you the gross details about the sound my coughs make and then festive colors of my snot  and share my newest symptom -- no voice.  Yep, I'm working without a voice today people.  It's quite entertaining educating and managing 70-some teenagers without the ability to talk.

Ok, this is a bit of an over-exaggeration, but I'm a bit melodramatic when sick.

So stick with me, folks.  Blogs will be coming.  Ya know, when I don't drag myself home from work, immediately put on pjs, and hide on the couch under a blanket all evening.


Amanda English said...

Ugh that stinks! I blame the kids.

Unknown said...

This one is either my mom's fault or Addison's. Kinda hard to be mad at either of them. :)